Friday, March 25, 2016

Shadows by Travis Inman

Do you ever wonder what the impact of one decision might have on the rest of your life?

Inman has created a world for us where we are privy to the aftermath of one decision Justin “Flip” Grey makes. While he is away at a banking convention, he is confronted by a voluptuous woman and propositioned. His decision is life changing and we get to see its fruit.

Inman takes us down parallel futures. In one future, Justin refuses the temptation of the woman. In the other, “Flip” succumbs. How their futures differ is eye opening.

I like this technique of showing two possible futures. It really made me aware of the decisions I make and the results that may follow. I like how Justin must confront his weak areas to continue on his successful path.

This book is a little like a fairy tale. The results of the one decision are almost more than life itself. The extreme separation between the two futures serves to really emphasize the results of decisions. It also shows how the one decision determines the future of his wife and children.

There is one aspect of the novel I found less than satisfactory and that was the alcohol. I can see “Flip” getting drunk but I didn't like Justin and those mentoring him being so taken with liquor. There was quite a bit about the taste of fine scotch and its celebratory use. If you have any trouble with alcohol, this book may not be a good one for you. The scotch was made to sound very good and I don't even drink alcohol.

Other than the issue with the use of alcohol, I recommend this book. It certainly paints a very serious picture of what happens as a result of decisions we make. It also shows the importance of mentoring. There's a good discussion guide at the end so this would make a good choice for a men's reading group.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Travis W. Inman grew up in West Texas and worked as a cowboy. He graduated from seminary in Dallas then served mission fields in Mexico and South America. He has applied his skills to a variety of fields, ranging from marketing to criminal justice. He also served in the United States Army. Writing has been a life-long passion. He and his wife live in Idaho. You can find out more at

Elk Lake Publishing, 243 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through The Book Club Network for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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