Saturday, May 21, 2016

Live Smart by Dan Dumas

This is a good little book for high school and college students. It would make a nice graduation gift.

Dumas wants young people to be prepared for life and be intentional. He gives the tools they will need, with insights from his own life and the Bible. He writes about several principles regarding living life wisely. He encourages a fear of God, having a high view of Him and doing what He says. He recommends knowing the Bible, practicing prayer, and loving the church. He writes about submitting to authority with an emphasis on preparing to lead.

He continues on the subjects of serving others, seeking mentors, choosing friends wisely, taking risks, working hard, developing good character, fleeing sexual immorality, and embracing correction. He encourages young people to know the gospel well, to speak about it and defend it.

Why give a book like this to a young person? Dumas reminds us “that the way you live as a young person will make an impact on the way you live as an adult.” It's a good idea to have young people implement these practical life lessons early. Giving a copy of this book and encouraging them to read it is a good idea. It will help them build a gospel centered life as they benefit from the many practical ideas included in the book.

Find out more at

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Dan Dumas is a teaching elder at Crossing Church in Louisville, Kentucky. He became a senior vice president and faculty member at Southern Seminary in 2007. He has served in a variety of ministry capacities in many local churches. He and his wife have two children.

Bethany House Publishers, 144 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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