Sunday, May 22, 2016

Spoken From the Heart: Choosing Grace by Cheri Swalwell

God gave Swalwell the word “grace” for 2014. She thought the year would bring to light the grace she received from God. But it turned out to be also about the grace God wanted her to extend to others.

Swalwell shares her thoughts in a month of daily devotions, revealing the lessons she has learned from the experiences she's had. She found evidence of grace in the mundane activities of life like grocery shopping. She learned lessons like the individuality of her children, the importance of obeying nudges from God, seeing God's hand in all things and praising Him beforehand.

This is an encouraging devotional showing us that when grace is given, the blessings received are more than could be imagined. Swalwell's writing style is very personal. I felt like she was talking to me over the kitchen table. She inspired me to embrace the grace given by God and share it freely with others. Reading these devotions, I think, will do the same for you.

Food for thought: “When grace is given, it always multiplies.”

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Cheri Swalwell thoroughly enjoys her calling to be a wife, mother, and writer. She writes regularly for Book Fun Magazine. Her book, Hope During Heartache, is a compilation of stories of men and women and their finding hope in the face of the loss of a child. You can visit her blog here to read her many articles about life from a Christian perspective.

Spoken From the Heart, 120 pages. You can buy at copy here.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through The Book Club Network for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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