Sunday, June 5, 2016

Love in the Face of ISIS by Lorraine Marie Varela

We know we should pray for our enemies but how do we do that? How can we pray for Christians in the Middle East and those attacking them?

Varela has given us some very practical suggestions and guidelines for prayer. She structures her lessons around the names of God. We can pray for God's presence, His protection, His provision, for His armies to be released, and much more. She has included written prayers we can recite or use as a springboard.

The suggestions in this book come out of Varela's insight into the challenges faced by those being persecuted by ISIS. Some of the stories she tells are heart breaking, such as the enslavement of women and girls. We realize how import prayer support is for them.

Valera wants us to partner with the purposes of God in loving our enemies and praying for them. She reminds us of the promises in the Bible and encourages us to fix out eyes on Jesus. She reminds us of the importance of worship, including the weapons of praise and thanksgiving. She gives plenty of illustrations from the Bible for her teaching.

I encourage Christians to read this book. We know we should pray but often just do not know how. Valera has given us specific topics with sample prayers. Her prayers are bold, such as for peace and healing. She has also included organizations for which we can pray.

Whether you feel “called” to pray for the people and situation in the Middle East or not, we are commanded to pray for our enemies. This book will give you some great suggestions for doing so.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Lorraine Marie Varela is a professional portrait photographer, author and life-long follower of Jesus. She and her husband traveled to the Middle East in 2015 to meet Iraqi Christian refugees. Their stories gave her a fresh revelation of God's heart of love for the people of the Middle East. She lives in the Seattle area. You can find out more at

Chosen Books, 160 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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