Saturday, June 4, 2016

The Dubai Betrayal by Jeremy Burns

I really liked this novel of international intrigue. It was packed with action from cover to cover. It is like James Bond meets Mission Impossible.

The plot could have come out of today's headlines. Christine Needham, appointed by the president as Ambassador to the Middle East, had just received shocking information when she is kidnapped in Dubai. Wayne Wilkins, deeply buried in the CIA as an assassin, is sent by the president to rescue the woman. The action is intense as it becomes evident there is a plan to destroy Israel with a nuclear bomb. Wayne and his small team have a day to rescue the Ambassador and prevent a world war.

The characters in the novel are well crafted. Christine has a passion for stability in the Middle East which puts her in the center of danger. She is a capable and resourceful woman and her abilities are suited to her important position. Wayne and his small team are a motley group of different ethnic backgrounds. The periodic tension between the men parallels the frequent tension between nations. Wayne is an exceptionally capable man as a team leader and covert operator.

The technology the U.S. Government provides the team is innovative. They have sophisticated communication devices and invisible ear pieces for constant communication among themselves and to Washington. They even have “disassembled pistols disguised as fully functioning laptops.”

I think the aspect of the novel I like the best is the setting for the action and the information the author has included in the novel. Burns has included a great deal of background information on the situation in the Middle East. Just one example is an explanation of the tension between the Sunni and Shia, including the history of the conflict and the differences in their doctrine and power. This and other pertinent information about the Middle East is given in between times of action with an effective rhythm. It is a great way to inform readers of important background material in the midst of the developing crisis. Burns' writing skill makes it all work well to form a compelling novel.

I highly recommend this novel to those who enjoy novels of international intrigue. It is well written and action packed. There are surprises and twists to the plot as betrayals and deceptions are uncovered. You'll be entertained while you learn essential background information regarding the current conflicts in the Middle East.

I am taking part in a blog tour of this book. Click here to view the 'The Dubai Betrayal by Jeremy Burns' Tour Participants.

You can read an excerpt here.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Jeremy Burns lived and worked in Dubai for two years, conducting first hand research in locations and immersing himself in the Middle Eastern culture. Wayne Wilkins is featured in his first book, From the Ashes. He and his wife live in Florida where he is working on his next book.

Book Details:

Genre: Thriller Published by: The Story Plant Publication Date: May 2016 Number of Pages: 346 ISBN: 1611881331 (ISBN13: 9781611881332) Purchase Links: Amazon Barnes & Noble Goodreads

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I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Partners in Crime Virtual Book Tours for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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