Sunday, September 18, 2016

365 Pocket Morning Prayers by Dave Veerman

We need to start each morning having a conversation with God. Veerman has drafted a collection of morning prayers to encourage us to have that conversation every morning. There are 365 prayers but they are not dated. One could begin using the book anytime. Each reading has a title, the prayer, and then the Scripture relating to the prayer. There is generally a prayer a page but weekend prayers are shorter with two to a page.

This is a great devotional for Christians who have difficulty praying. Veerman's prayers are good examples of how to pray. They are written with insight and show a good understanding of Scripture. Some prayers reflect promises we can claim while others convey the necessity for action on our part. Some of the prayers are short lessons in theology, praying about a Scriptural truth.

One could use this book by going from the beginning to the end. Each prayer is on a different topic and there is a good topical index at the end so one could also look up a subject and use the prayer for that day. I found that more useful than just going day by day through the book.

As is often the case with written prayers, some just did not seem to apply to my situation. For example, one prayer was about having to make an important decision, something not on my horizon. Those prayers were few, however, and even they inspired me to pray about others and their situations.

I don't usually use written prayers but I generally liked the ones in this book. There are some mornings when I just have trouble getting started praying and this book has helped a great deal. It always gave me inspiration to pray more after I finished the one in the book.

I recommend this book to those who need some inspiration to start their day with prayer.

You can preview the book in PDF form here.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Dave Veerman is a senior editor of the Life Application Study Bible. He has authored seventy books and has served twenty-six years with YFC and is a founding partner of Livingstone. He and his wife live in Illinois and have two grown daughters and five grandchildren.

Tyndale Momentum, 320 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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