Saturday, September 17, 2016

Heaven Declares by Hakeem Collins

Collins has received prophetic messages from God to encourage believers. He has divided the material into 90 days of readings. Each daily reading includes a Scripture verse, a message related to that verse, additional Scripture references, a prayer, and statements to decree and declare.

The messages Collins includes are written as if God is speaking to the reader. It is an awesome responsibility to write as if God is speaking. I was pleased to see that the messages generally follow Scriptural truths about being loved, protected, being more than a conqueror, etc. Some are admonitions, such as the one where the reader is commanded to get wisdom and understanding and another to be grounded in the Word.

Some of Collins' messages I think might be a bit much. “Be confident that you can do whatever you make up your mind to do.” (91) I would prefer messages concentrating more on finding out what God wants me to do rather than what I make up my mind to do. I am a little leery about some of the decrees. For example: “I decree and declare that monies, bonuses, benefits, favor with men, and blessings will come to me now in Jesus' name.” (91) “I decree and declare that I am healed and I am a miracle worker.” (212) I know there are some Christians who believe that making statements creates reality. This book seems to be aimed at such believers.

I recommend this book to charismatic Christians who believe that declaring something makes it so.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Hakeen Collins is a sought-after conference speaker and produces a weekly radio program called “The Voice.” He is the author of Born to Prophesy and is CEO of Champions International based in Wilmington, Delaware, where he lives.

Destiny Image, 208 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through The Book Club Network for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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