Saturday, September 24, 2016

Counterfeit Comforts by Robia Scott

Scott thought “having it all” would lead to a fulfilling life. But successful dancing and acting careers left her feeling unfilled. She even tried New Age spirituality and self-help books. Nothing took away that need for Someone bigger than herself. Then she became a Christian.

Scott shares her own experience of still struggling with bulimia, a remnant from her teenage dancing days. Crying out to God, she sensed Him telling her she had too many counterfeit comforts. When she experienced disappointment or discomfort, she did not run to the Holy Spirit for comfort but something else, usually food.

Scott shares with us how we can be set free from those things that deceive and control us. She writes about choices, the Holy Spirit giving us opportunities to decide. She realized God was not going to make the decisions for her but He would be right along side her. She recommends journaling and being transparent with God. She shares her “on the floor” times when she is open to God, asking Him to show her the roots of her behavior. She includes teaching on spiritual warfare, the process of spiritual growth and the tools we have been given.

I really liked this book. Scott is very practical with her suggestions for spiritual growth and healing. She shares many of her own experiences so we have an idea of how the process works. I highly recommend this book to those who want to know how to recognize counterfeit comforts and deal with them. You'll find great encouragement and good strategy here.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Robia Scott began her professional career at the age of sixteen as a dancer and actress in Hollywood. After twenty years in the industry, she walked away from it to follow her calling to ministry. Her ministry specializes in helping believers appropriate all God has promised. She and her husband are the founders and senior leaders of Deeper Life Church in Redondo Beach, California. They live in Orange County with their daughter. You can find out more at

Chosen Books, 208 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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