Friday, September 23, 2016

Kit Kat & Lucy by Lonnie Hull DuPont

Like many of us, DuPont had family pets in childhood but had spent two decades of adulthood without pets. Then a marriage, a move to Michigan and a stray cat changed that.

DuPont, adopted, had been trying to find her birth mother. She did manage to see her but never meet her. Letters to her went unanswered. She received word that her birth mother had died right around the time the first stray cat, Kit Kat, showed up. The cat helped her through the emotional process. DuPont also relates how the two cats they took in helped her with her anxiety issues. Holding the cats and rocking with them in her lap was very soothing.

This is a good book to show the connection we can have with animals and the healing opportunities they offer us. As a person with a few cats in the house myself, I enjoyed all the fun stories. The DuPonts had tried to leave the cat at another farm, and that the cat would travel eight miles back to them was amazing. I also learned a few things about cat care, such as the technique to use when moving to a new house.

DuPont's writing style is soothing. There are no particularly well crafted sentences that stood out. There is just the gentle and thoughtful account of how cats helped her heal areas in her life and provided a great deal of satisfaction.

I recommend this book to cat lovers or those considering getting a cat as a household pet.

You can download an excerpt here.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Lonnie Hull DuPont is an award-winning poet, book editor, and writer. Her poetry has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize, and she is the author of several books of nonfiction, including five compilations of animal stories under the pseudonym of Callie Smith Grant. A member of the Cat Writers Association, she lives in rural Michigan with her husband and their cats.

Revell, 240 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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