Monday, October 31, 2016

66 Ways God Loves You by Jennifer Rothschild

Rothschild knows the Bible as a love letter from God. She wants us to know it that way too. She has written this book to help us experience God's love in each of the 66 books of the Bible.

I really like the lessons she gleans from each book. Exodus reminds us God has set us free from the slavery of sin, insecurity, fear, and despair. We see from Leviticus that God lovingly provides protective boundaries for us. Judges reveals how God faithfully shows mercy to us in spite of our repeated failures. From Zechariah, we have the assurance that no matter how crazy the world gets, Jesus is coming.

Perhaps what I like best about this book is Rothschild's honesty. From Job we learn that God does not always save us from suffering but He sustains us through it. Similarly, from Daniel we see that God does not always deliver us from the fire but will not let us be alone as we go through it. From Obadiah, “God isn't ignoring injustice just because He is allowing it. Justice will be done.” (102) And from 2 Thessalonians, “His love still lets us suffer...” (167)

Rothschild knows what she writes about. She used to read the Bible as a youth. But a retinal disease caused her blindness at age 15. Now she listens to it and is still convinced it reveals the love of God.

This is a great book of encouragement for someone who feels discouraged or that they've disappointed God. They will see the generous love of God over and over as they walk through the Bible with Rothschild.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Jennifer Rothschild has written nine books and Bible studies. She has appeared on several national television talk shows and has spoken for Women of Faith and Extraordinary Women. She is the founder of Fresh Grounded Faith conferences and She lost her sight at 15 and regularly travels and speaks around the country, sharing her story and all God has done in her life. She is a wife and mom and lives in Missouri. You can connect with her online at

Thomas Nelson, 207 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through Icon Media. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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