Monday, October 31, 2016

The Name I Call Myself by Beth Moran

This is a thoroughly enjoyable novel about a woman finding herself, friends, and true love.

Faith is engaged to the wealthy Perry, a man she met while working at a high class country club. She appreciated the man, well, really his money. Money she needed to care for her mentally unstable older brother, her only family after their mother was murdered. Faith knew she didn't really love Perry, but she could do this for her brother, couldn't she?

Faith begins a truly life changing experience when she and her friend go to a church Faith wants to have her wedding in. There is a choir practice going on and Hester, the choir director with hair like a helmet, assumes they are there to join the choir.

This is a choir like none other. Hester wants the best from her women and that means bonding experiences and times of self revelation and growth. Some of the times were hilarious while others were full of tears. It was amazing to see how these women found their personal strengths and formed strong and supportive friendships.

The characters in the novel were very well crafted. Choir director Hester was like a general but she loved those women in her choir and watched them grow. What a woman. On the other hand was Faith's soon to be mother-in-law. What a snooty and condescending brat. I felt like slapping her so many times.

Those fine aspects of the novel are wrapped up in themes of love. Faith had tremendous love for her brother. She learned to love the women in the choir and help them in their journeys to personal power. And they were right beside her in her journey too. And then there is romantic love. Just perhaps, perhaps Faith will find out what that is before it is too late.

I highly recommend this novel to those who enjoy one about women coming into their own, forming strong bonds, and finding their personal strengths. It would be a great book for a woman's reading group as there are many themes to discuss and a good set of questions are included. Be sure to have a box of tissues handy as you near the end. Finding out what real love is can be a little tearful.

You can read my review of Moran's earlier novel, Making Marion, here.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Beth Moran lives in Nottingham with her husband and their three children. She helps lead a national women's network, Free Range Chicks. You can find out more at

Lion Hudson, distributed in the U.S. by Kregel, 351 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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