Thursday, December 1, 2016

Getaway With God by Letitia Suk

We need to be spiritually recharged from time to time. We don't have to wait for that annual retreat the church offers. Suk encourages us to regularly plan our own times of spiritual restoration.

Suk tells her story of participating in retreats and gives excellent suggestions for crafting our own. She gives step by step suggestions on how to design and experience a personal spiritual retreat. She explains why we need them, where to go (out of the house), and how to prepare for it. She includes different kinds of retreats and what to do at them.

Suk has such a wide variety of ideas that this book could be used by anyone wanting to experience a personal retreat. She has suggestions for spiritual content, like character studies, Lectio Divina, goal setting, etc. She includes instructions on silence, food, creating schedules, seeking spiritual direction, and more. Her suggested plans cover retreats lasting one day to several days.

I appreciate Suk distinguishing the typical group retreat from the ones she suggests. Group retreats are often more about speakers and social interaction than having time alone with God. Her suggestions for personal retreats are more what I have had in mind for personal renewal. I like her suggestions of reviewing spiritual milestones, identifying stuck points, and looking to the future. She has included a number of questions to ask ourselves. They would also be good questions for an annual review of where we are in life.

I also like Suk encouraging readers to experience Sabbath, creating a rhythm of renewal. That could be a weekly time of spiritual restoration we can all experience. Suk also answers a number of questions readers might have about personal spiritual retreats.

This is a good book for people who have wanted to go on a spiritual retreat and did not know how to make it happen. With practical suggestions for getaways of different lengths and places, it is a great resource. Suk writes that she has “offered a buffet of ideas on how to get away with God.” (141) I agree. There are so many possibilities included in this book, every person desiring time away with God will find resources here.

I am taking part in a blog tour of this book. You can find other reviews here.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Letitia Suk is an author, speaker, personal retreat guide, and life coach, inviting women to follow an intentional life. Her previous works include Rhythms of Renewal. She regularly blogs at You can find out more at or follow her on Facebook and Twitter.

Kregel Publications, 160 pages. You can purchase a copy here.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through Litfuse. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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