Friday, December 2, 2016

Pray A to Z by Amelia Rhodes

Prayer is hard. We don't know what we are to be praying or we get distracted or we even forget to pray altogether. Rhodes has provided a practical guide to help us pray for our communities and their specific needs.

She shares her own story of being awakened by an Amber Alert alarm on her phone. “If only an audible alarm could jolt us out of our spiritual slumber every day and call us to prayerful action for our community,” she writes. A thought came to her. Instead of having one long prayer list, what if she prayed by topic. The idea of praying A to Z was born.

Rhodes found herself praying for more people with more concerns than ever before. She was praying deeply, intensely and with purpose.

She has compiled topics for prayer for each letter of the alphabet. Within each letter are three subjects for prayers of petition and then two topics for prayers of praise. A Scripture verse and a few prompting ideas are given and then a written prayer. The written prayer is not designed to be the end but only a springboard to additional praying.

I really appreciate this format. I want to pray for my community but never know what to pray for or how to pray. This book is a wealth of ideas and reminders. For example, under the letter C are suggestions to pray for those battling cancer, involved in court cases, and those who are caregivers. I know people in each of those categories and can now purposefully pray for them. I am also reminded to praise God for being Creator and Comforter. Every letter has great topics associated with them. For L I would pray for lawmakers, law enforcement, and those experiencing lack of medical care. I would also praise God for being light and love. On another day I'll be praying for teachers, those facing temptations, and those suffering from trafficking. I will also praise God for His trustworthiness and for truth.

This book can be used individually or in a group. I've been using it by praying one letter each day. That takes me well through the month, perhaps leaving off Sundays for other types of prayer. I have found myself praying for people and community situations I have long neglected. I don't get bored praying the same list over and over. Each day brings to mind new situations and people in need of prayer.

I highly recommend this book. It is not a book on how to pray, although she does give some suggestions of books for that. It is a great book that will inspire you to pray for your community in a systematic way.

I am taking part in a blog tour of this book. You can read other reviews here.

My rating: 5/5 stars

Amelia Rhodes is an author and speaker. She has written for several publications The Upper Room and four Chicken Soup for the Soul books. She and her husband have two children and live in Michigan. You can find out more at You can also find her on Facebook and Twitter.

Worthy Inspired, 160 pages. You can purchase a copy here.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book through Litfuse. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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