Sunday, August 20, 2017

Every Piece of Me by Jerusha Clark

Clark explores the seven “I am” statements of Jesus with the aim of showing that He is the answer to all we need and it is in Him alone we find our true identity. Questions for personal reflection are given at the end of each chapter as are a couple of books for additional reading.

Clark is refreshingly honest about her struggle with depression and an eating disorder. She faced postpartum depression twice, was diagnosed Bipolar II, and suffered a subsequent breakdown. This is an encouraging section for women who struggle with issues, realizing that Christians don't always get victory over every issue. Clark encourages readers to allow their weaknesses to be used for God's glory.

Clark has good teaching on several issues particular to women. She writes about shame and feeling excluded. She has a good section on hearing from God. I found her section on spiritual dissonance particularly interesting. We can know much about God yet not experience the truths nor live in them.

She writes like a teacher might teach. I felt like I was in a lecture hall while reading the book. Clark teaches truth to readers rather than inviting us along on her transformation journey. Because of that writing style, I had difficulty connecting with her teaching.

There was one aspect of the book I found disconcerting. Before investigating the "I am" statements, Clark reminds readers that it is important to explore the context of Scripture and to whom the words were spoken. (Loc 567/3723) I found it rather odd that Clark began her book with an extensive teaching on Isaiah 43. She applied to women today what God clearly said to the Israelites through Isaiah centuries ago. She did not explain the context of the passage nor why she applied those descriptions to people other then to whom they were originally directed.

This is a book specifically for women. There are topics discussed, such as sexual issues, that make this book inappropriate for men.

My rating: 3/5 stars.

Jerusha Clark is the author or coathor of a dozen books. She and her husband, Jeremy, pastor at Emmanuel Faith Community Church, have two daughters. You can find out more at

Baker Books, 240 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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