Monday, August 21, 2017

Sacred Mundane by Kari Patterson

I like this book. I like the message and I like Patterson's writing style. I like how she has invited readers along on her own journey of growth. I can tell she shares her heart when she writes.

We might think that we need to go to a special seminar or retreat to see spiritual transformation happen. Patterson shows us that transformation happens in the ordinary stuff of life, the sacred mundane. She reminds us that our success with transformation starts with belief, not behavior. We compare our thoughts and emotions to Scripture. Her explanation of the difference between reading the word and receiving it was enlightening.

Patterson writes, “The mundane is where ministry happens, where worship happens, where transformation happens.” (91) I really liked her exploration of hupomone, endurance. It has been one of my favorite words too. I was surprised to read her claim that “God purposely disappoints us.” (141) She gives Scripture examples to back that up and explains the process. She helps us see how “trials work worship into our lives.” (141) God wants to build faith and trust in us, she says, rather than fulfill our wishes.

I highly recommend this book. It helped me understand how God works in the every day moments of life to transform me spiritually. There is an extensive Small Group Study Guide included in the book. There are personal assignments for six days and then discussion questions for the seventh. This would be a great book to use for a group study or with a trusted friend.

Food for thought: “When Christ is Lord, nothing is secular.” (79)

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Kari Patterson is a popular speaker and blogger. She is a pastor's wife, homeshool mom, Bible teacher and mentor. She has a master's degree in pastoral studies from Multnomah Seminary. You can find out more at

Kregel Publications, 214 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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