Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Becoming Resilient by Donna Gibbs

As a professional Christian counselor, Gibbs has seen the deep pain suffered because of tragedy. She offers her practical thoughts on how to make it through that pain. This book contains a wealth of information and good suggestions.

Many have tried to explain why a good God allows suffering. I like what Gibbs concludes. “I have come to the conclusion that God allows some suffering in our lives to expose the fullness of His character – His love and mercy, His compassion and concern, His forgiveness and redemption, His grace.” (Loc 111/2666) That really makes sense to me. We could not know those aspects of God without suffering.

I like Gibbs' suggestion that we move beyond the “why.” Getting stuck there is fruitless. She helps us see the causes of suffering and its various kinds. She reminds us that Scripture tells us suffering will be part of our Christian life. We need practical help in experiencing the suffering, coming through it well.

She helps us identify the kind of behavior that gets us stuck in coping. I appreciated her identifying behavior that is a normal reaction to abnormal events but when we stay in that behavior, it turns into a psychological dysfunctional state creating further suffering. She has good information and suggestions for developing the right coping skills.

She includes many illustrations of people who have made it through suffering and came out well on the other side. She also includes biblical illustrations and some of her own experience of suffering. The stories are positive examples of people who allowed their suffering to be used for a greater purpose.

Gibbs assigns homework to her patients and she does the same in this book. She also includes application questions. She suggests we discuss these questions with a trusted friend.

I highly recommend this book to those who are suffering and are ready to allow God to use it for good. You'll read many encouraging stories and be offered practical suggestions to help you get unstuck and get through to living with resilience. Gibbs is clear that this will take work. This book will inspire you and help you on your path.

Food for thought: “If you want resilience, giving up is simply not an option.” (Loc 2089/2666)
More food for thought: “Remember, God ultimately provides our resilience. We simply cooperate.” (Loc 2289/2666)

You can find out more and read a chapter at

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Donna Gibbs is a Licensed Professional Counselor Supervisor, a National Certified Counselor, and a Board Certified Christian Counselor. She earned a PhD in Christian Counseling and Psychology from Louisiana Baptist University in 2007. She is a member of the American Association of Christian Counselors and is on the referral network for Focus on the Family and Crisis Care Network. She is director of A Clear Word Counseling Center and of marriage and support ministries for Mud Creek Baptist Church in Hendersonville, North Carolina. She and her husband have four sons. You can find out more at (Author Photo: © Tanya Leshe Photography)

Revell, 208 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review. 

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