Thursday, September 21, 2017

Waiting for Butterflies by Karen Sargent Giveaway

Click here to purchase your copy.

About the Book

Book title: Waiting for Butterflies  
Author: Karen Sargent  
Release date: April 4, 2017  
Genre: Christian Women’s Fiction

When tragedy strikes, Maggie discovers a mother’s love never ends—not even when her life does. Longing for her family after her death, she returns home where she helplessly witnesses her family’s downward spiral in the aftermath of her passing. Her husband is haunted by past mistakes and struggles to redeem himself. Her teenage daughter silently drowns in her own guilt, secretly believing she is responsible for her mother’s death. Only her five-year-old, full of innocence, can sense her presence. Although limited by her family’s grief and lack of faith, Maggie is determined to keep a sacred promise and salvage her family before her second chance runs out. A tender portrait of a mother whose love reaches beyond possible, Waiting for Butterflies will embrace your heart and not let go.

My Review:

Sargent has crafted a very moving novel that centers on the mystery surrounding the intersection of the physical and spiritual worlds. It deals with the issue of how the remaining family members continue on after the loss of a loved one. The novel is very well written with well developed characters and a good plot line. You might want to have a tissue handy near the end.

The premise of the book is firmly founded on the possibility that Christians who have died can observe the remaining family members and can, at least a little, interact with physical things. Sargent includes, as part of the plot, a website that references “lingering spirits.” I think this aspect of the book is on very thin theological ice. While it made for a touching story, I found the idea of a lingering spirit disconcerting and not supported biblically.

Questionable theology aside, this is a very well written and touching novel. It certainly made me think about loving family members and making sure they know it.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

About the Author

Karen Sargent creates characters whose imperfect faith collides with real-life conflicts, taking readers on a journey through grace and redemption to discover enduring hope. A romantic element is woven within each story. In addition to writing inspirational novels, she blogs at The MOM Journey…where moms aren’t perfect and that’s perfectly okay. Her writing has been featured in Guidepost’s Angels on Earth magazine and on When she is not writing, she teaches high school and college English in the beautiful Arcadia Valley where she resides with her husband and two daughters. Visit her at

Guest Post from Karen Sargent

Waiting for Butterflies: The Accidental Controversy I didn’t intend to write myself into controversy when I wrote Waiting for Butterflies. Yes, it is Christian fiction. Yes, the main character is a “lingering spirit.” And no, ghosts aren’t biblical. Thus the controversy. As the story idea began to stir my imagination after my mother-in-law’s unexpected death, I wondered how ghosts fit into the Christian view of the afterlife, especially since I too believe our souls go to Heaven once we die. So I asked my pastor. He referred to Hebrews 11, the “Faith Hall of Fame” that lists Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, and many spiritual giants who lived by faith. That list is followed by Hebrews 12:1 which states, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses…” My pastor explained witnesses is translated by some to mean spectators. So maybe, maybe, this suggests those who have died can somehow still be present—emphasis on maybe. But…this gave me just enough permission to play with the idea of a mother’s love being so strong that she could remain after her death until she was certain her family would heal. I was writing fiction after all. When my manuscript was complete and I began submitting to agents, the response was mixed. Some replied with a simple, “This story isn’t for me.” Some warned, “This will be a hard sell to Christian publishers.” Yet others were more encouraging. Finally my story made it to the desk of an acquisition editor who emailed, “This is the one.” Waiting for Butterflies found a publishing home. Now that my book is in the hands of readers, most are surprised to hear my topic is controversial. Like me, many believers haven’t really considered ghosts in a biblical context. But a few are adamant that the storyline contradicts their beliefs. I know my story—just like every story—will not appeal to everyone. But I certainly didn’t set out to offend my fellow believers, and I sincerely apologize if anyone finds it offensive. However, I appreciate this perspective one skeptical reader shared in her review: “While I was initially put off by the idea that a spirit can remain and interact, in a sense, with those still living, the author handled it with sensitivity and grace. We all have ideas about the unknown, but it is just that, unknown, and I could relate strongly to the thought of wanting to continue to influence and connect with loved ones after death in order to help them.” I appreciate that in spite of the controversy, this reader gave Waiting for Butterflies a chance—and five stars.

Blog Stops

Avid Reader Book ReviewsSeptember 21
Blogging With CarolSeptember 22
The Power of WordsSeptember 22
D’S QUILTS & BOOKSSeptember 23
Carpe DiemSeptember 23
A Baker’s PerspectiveSeptember 24
Christian BookaholicSeptember 24
Reading Is My SuperPowerSeptember 25
Smiling Book ReviewsSeptember 25
BigreadersiteSeptember 26
Cultivating UsSeptember 27
The Fizzy Pop CollectionSeptember 28
Pause for TalesSeptember 29
RemebrancySeptember 30
A Readers BrainOctober 3
Cafinated ReadsOctober 4


To celebrate her tour, Karen is giving away a grand prize that includes a few of Karen’s favorite things – one of which is a Hobby Lobby gift card!!! Click below to enter. Be sure to comment on this post before you enter to claim 9 extra entries!

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Celebrate Lit. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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