Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Age of Crowns by Kori De Leon

I find it a bit hard to describe this book. It is sort of like a “walkabout through the majesty of God.” (202) De Leon helps us marvel at the work of God and out future. She motivates us to set our minds on spiritual things.

De Leon notes that we have spiritual amnesia. We've forgotten who we really are. We look for fulfillment of our desires in all the wrong places. We get distracted by the things of this world. We don't realize we have the “high privilege of reflecting His character and rule throughout the world.” (14)

So she helps us set our minds on things above, revealed to us by the Holy Spirit through the Word. I like her suggestion about meditation, to form mental pictures of what we read in the Word. De Leon teaches by story telling. She uses many examples from her own life as well as stories from the Bible.

I recommend this book to women who desire to be “enthusiastic about our King and life with Him in the Age to Come.” (117) De Leon gives great motivation to find in the King all we desire. She helps readers know how to live day to day, representing the King. Her writing style is almost poetic and a delight to read. I found her topics a bit rambling but other than that, a good book for women.

My rating: 4/5.

Kori De Leon is the founder of Adoring Christ Ministries, a teaching ministry devoted to reaching women through the local church, online resources, books, and speaking engagements. She graduated from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary with a master of arts in theology. She lives in Houston with her husband and their daughter. You can find out more at

Moody Publishers, 240 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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