Thursday, May 24, 2018

Buried Secrets by Barbara Cameron Blog Tour and Giveaway

This novel is a gentle read, reflecting the general lifestyle of Amish people. Cameron offers a good romance with a bit of mystery included. While there is a slight twist to the plot, there are no surprises as readers are given plenty of hints along the way.

I liked the characters. They are pretty well crafted. My favorite was Daniel, son of widowed Rose. He is a sweet boy with boundless energy. I liked Luke too. His love for Rose was so selfless and patient.

I was not familiar with the meaning of the cardinal, the one that seemed to watch over Rose and Daniel. That the bird could somehow represent the presence of a loved one who had died seemed a little odd. I did learn some about other Amish ideas, however.

I do recommend this novel to readers who like Amish romance. The end was abrupt and for me, unsatisfactory and just too easy. Other than that and the cardinal idea, a good novel.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Barbara Cameron is the award winning author of many bestselling Amish novels. Three have been made into HBO/Cinemax movies. She has also written nonfiction books about planning financially for weddings. She is a former high school teacher and has also taught workshops and creative writing classes. She and her family live in Jacksonville, Florida. You can find out more at

Gilead Publishing, 272 pages.

You could win books, an Amish friendship bread jar, and an Amish bread kit.
You can enter the giveaway 

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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