Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Living in Peace while Living in Pieces by Michael J Washington

Washington's memoir is a good example of the importance of having a positive attitude. He shares his ups and downs and how he has managed to come to a life of peace. He accepted Jesus as Savior when a child but made bad decisions later in life. He was sexually promiscuous when young and fathered a son out of wedlock. He began drinking alcohol while still a teen and later in life became addicted to drugs. It almost destroyed his family but he ultimately found release from his addiction through the prayers of a small group he was in. My favorite part of the book was actually the chapter by his wife, sharing her thoughts on the turbulent times in their marriage and how God encouraged her.

This memoir is written sort of topically rather than chronologically. I noticed some repetition as the same experience was shared in different contexts. Washington does a good job in describing his experiences while addicted to drugs. I really got a sense of the force of the addiction on his life. A later chapter was about his career. I wish he would have explained how he maintained a career while regularly doing drugs. Those topics were in separate chapters and the material did not overlap.

Washington's book is a good example of how a person who had been overwhelmed with bad choices can ultimately rise above and have a peaceful life. He was not able to conquer his addiction on his own so it also shows the importance of people willing to help him and pray for him.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Michael J. Washington was in the navy for four years and then had a career in the weather industry. He and his wife life in Bowie, Maryland. They have three daughters and three grandchildren.

Page Turner Press and Media, 154 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Authors Large and Small. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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