Monday, June 25, 2018

Okayest Mom by Natalie Gwyn

With the signature of a judge in Ethiopia, the Gwyns went from parents of two to parents of six. Their lives were changed forever.

I really like this very personal and honest account of the adoption and the life after. Natalie had her life well planned out. But God had other plans. She faced the choice of following her own plan or God's. I appreciate the lessons she has learned through the adoption experience. For example, we do not have to be perfect, just willing. Waiting is not passive but active. God will provide when the step of trust is taken.

Natalie is honest about the struggles she and her husband faced as they ventured into the unknown. I like how she includes the feelings of the adopted children in her narrative. “Parenting my children is a privilege I have been granted only because of the magnitude of the tragedy they have experienced.” (Loc 1152/2320) Natalie shares the pain the children experienced because of adoption, including the situation from which they came.

I highly recommend this book to any couple considering adoption. You'll experience the waiting, the intervention of God in making it happen, the stress and struggles and spiritual warfare, the effects on marriage, friends and extended family. Reading this book will really help you count the cost of adoption.

I highly recommend this book to readers in general. This book will help you understand what couples experience when they adopt, especially children from another country. Natalie's writing style is delightful. She has a great way with words. She tells great stories and includes humor too.

I highly recommend this book to those who see the mountain of need in the world and wonder what good their teaspoon is in reducing that need (Natalie's analogy). It may seem overwhelming. Natalie's story is a good example of how one teaspoon can change the lives of many. She has included a list of ministries that welcome teaspoons of help.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Natalie Gwyn lives in northern California with her high school sweetheart and their six children. She writes for Huffington Post, Today, and Guideposts. She blogs about family, friendship, fitness, and faith at her website,

FaithWords, 256 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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