Friday, July 20, 2018

A Prisoner's Perspective by Mike Savage

Savage has a unique appreciation of the gospel. He knows what it is like to stand before a judge, have your sins identified, realize you have no defense, and the penalty be determined. He had been the subject of a five year investigation resulting in his indictment on 101 criminal charges.

His international money laundering activities resulted in him serving over fifteen years in prison. One of his jobs in prison was to work with the chaplain. He ultimately heard and responded to the gospel. A few weeks later his wife did too.

Savage shares his experiences in prison. He continually doubted his wife would stick with him. She is an amazingly faithful and selfless person who would go without eating so she could send him the money he needed to call her. She worked while he was in prison, the only source of support for her and their son.

Savage tells of his experiences of returning to a free society upon release from prison. He had to relearn many social graces. He was introduced to cell phones and the Internet. Feeling called to ministry, he took classes and is currently an adjunct professor teaching Bible, theology, and psychology.

This is a very interesting memoir. It reveals much about prison experiences, including those in privatized institutions. Savage is very honest about his feelings throughout his experiences, such as his anger. I was a little disturbed that he still had so much anger after his salvation and release from prison. His wife said God was working on his rough edges. I never sensed an genuine remorse for his illegal activities. I would have liked a clearer expression of the need for his forgiveness and appreciation for God's grace in his life.

All that being said, Savage's memoir is a good example of God's unfailing love. God took Savage through much in order to get his attention. Perhaps God's love was best shown through his wife and her faithfulness.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Mike Savage is a former radio personality, television news anchor, and criminal. He served over fifteen years in federal prison for international money laundering. He is currently an adjunct professor. He and his wife live on Padre Island, Texas. You can find out more at

Coralvine Publishing, 262 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Shayla Raquel. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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