Monday, July 23, 2018

Misstep by Deborah Dee Harper Blog Tour

by Deborah Dee Harper
Review Promo Blast July 1-31


Pastor High Foster: His heart was in the right place, even if, in hindsight, it appeared he'd clearly taken leave of his senses.

It's December in Road's End, Virginia, a tiny town long forgotten by anyone but its residents, where Colonel Hugh Foster and his wife, Melanie, have chosen to live – for better or worse. The jury's still out on that one!

Road's End is comprised entirely of senior citizens whose kids have grown and left for greener pastures. Hugh, Melanie, and Bristol (one of the few sane people in town) are faced with a crumbling church in desperate need of repair and renovation, a dwindling congregation of opinionated, ornery senior citizens, and a camel – yes, a camel. And if that's not enough, the trio and the rest of Road's End residents are soon mired in danger and intrigue when a group of gun-toting drug dealers arrive in town, bent on killing the church handyman, and conspiring to ruin the doggonedest record-breaking blizzard the town has ever seen.

Poor drug dealers.

You can purchase the book here.

My review:

This novel was a delight to read. Harper's well-crafted quirky senior citizens made me laugh out loud. Yet there were scenes of suspense as well as moments that were very touching. That Harper was able to get humor, character transformation, suspense, and a clear presentation of the gospel all in one novel is amazing.

While the plot is fun, the best aspect of the novel I think is the characters. What a hoot. There are women who have not spoken to each other for seventy years. (That's the setting for the character transformation.) There are men who bicker constantly, making them the best of friends. There is a feisty octogenarian who is as likely to whack a thug on his head with a frying pan as she is to round up her escaped chickens.

I highly recommend this novel to readers who would enjoy senior citizens rising to the occasion. I'm stingy when it comes to five star reviews but this novel has it all. You'll laugh. You'll cringe. You'll root for those octogenarians. You'll marvel at God's transforming power. And, like me, you'll be longing for the sequel and another trip to Road's End.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

About the Author:

Deborah Dee Harper writes from Murfreesboro, Tennessee, and specializes in humorous, inspirational Christian books for both children and adults. Her novel, Misstep, is the first book in her Road's End series for adults (although children are welcome to read them as well). She's also written a children's adventure series, Laramie on the Lam, that is inspirational, humorous, and full of fun. (Many of Laramie's fans are adults!) You can find out more at

Write Integrity Press, 378 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Celebrate Lit. My comments are an independent and honest review. The rest of the copy of this post was provided by Celebrate Lit.

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