Wednesday, August 29, 2018

A Harvest of Blessings by June Foster

This is a fun romantic novella, especially for older readers. Jared and Nadia have both lost their spouses. They meet, in fact, at the cemetery. Both are ready to move on with their lives but pursuing a relationship is frustrated by many obstacles. Perhaps the greatest is Jared's daughter, Sarah, who will not believe anyone could replace the sacred place of her mother. She does everything in her power to prevent her father from finding new love.

Foster has done a good job of exploring the trouble that could arise as a widow and widower journey toward a united future. She has also developed the characters well. I like how Nadia and Jared try to pursue their own future while they struggle with the strong feelings of Sarah.

I like that this is a Christian romance because only a sensitivity to the Lord working in the characters' lives could possibly bring this story to a happy ending.

This novella (about 124 pages) will be releasing in about a month. I do recommend it as a rewarding novella to read.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

June Foster is an award winning author and retired teacher. She has a BA in Education and MA in Counseling. She is the mother of two and grandmother of ten. She began writing Christian romance in 2010. You can find out more at

I received a complimentary advanced digital copy of this novella from the author. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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