Wednesday, August 29, 2018

The Biggest Win by Joshua Cooley

There is much more to this book than I thought there was going to be. Yes, there are interesting vignettes of football players, but there are also great spiritual lessons and encouraging examples included. Cooley uses the experiences of the athletes to make great spiritual applications. The football players are ones who want their lives to count for more than just their performance on the playing field. Yes, they are recent Super Bowl winners yet they realize their lives in Christ matter much more than their athletic accomplishments.

The players include Carson Wentz, Chris Maragos (yes, he helped the Seahawks win Super Bowl XLVIII), Nick Foles, Jordan Hicks, Zach Ertz, and Trey Burton. These Philadelphia Eagles won Super Bowl LII in 2017. It was the first ever title in the 85 year old franchise.

The stories about the players include their football careers and how they came to be major league players. Cooley also explains how they use their careers to glorify God. The life examples are used as springboards for spiritual lessons. He writes about the temptation that comes with fame and success, what it means to be in Christ, how to use trials to glorify God, volunteer work, and much more. I was impressed with the comparison of football training with spiritual training.

This book is a good one, even if you're not a football fan. There is much about football but there are also great spiritual teachings included. There are a few questions at the end of each chapter so this book would be a good one for a teen or college book study for athletes.

I really enjoyed this book and I am not even an Eagles fan. (Go Hawks!) The stories about the players are inspiring and the teaching very good. I highly recommend this book to people who would like to know more about Christian athletes and how they live their faith within their athletic careers. Super Bowl wins are victories that fade with time. This book does well encouraging the kind of accomplishments that last into eternity.

You can watch the book trailer here.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Joshua Cooley is a New York Times bestselling author, a sports writing veteran of over twenty years, and a full time children's minister at Chapel Hill Bible Church. He teamed up with Super Bowl LII MVP Nick Foles to co-author the star quarterback's bestselling memoir, Believe It. Cooley has written the Heroes of the Bible Devotional and The One Year Devotions With Jesus, among other books. He lives with his wife and four children in Durham, NC. You can find out more at

New Growth Press, 192 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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