Friday, August 31, 2018

Immortal Creators by Jill Bowers

Bowers has given readers another thought provoking and imagination stimulating novel in the Immortal series. Second in the series, it reads very well on its own. The Immortal Writers are those with characters and plots so realistic and powerful that the stories enter into the realm of reality. In this story, the science fiction novel of sixteen year old Scott has gone from the Imagination Field to the Reality Field. Deadly aliens are approaching earth and Scott must be instrumental in the attempt to prevent the earth's destruction.

I really like this novel. The plot is so imaginative. We meet Shakespeare, C. S. Lewis and many others, as they help Scott prepare for his task. Bowers' writing style is very readable. There's also some great dialogue with sarcasm and humor. The character development is done pretty well. I watched Scott deal with many internal issues and grow in his understanding, confidence, and responsibility. Until the shocking end.

The end of the novel was shocking to me and disturbing. I know there will be a sequel as a sample of it is included at the end of this novel. Bowers cannot come out with it soon enough for me.

I recommend this novel to readers who would like science fiction with literary figures involved. You'll find some interesting futuristic items, like a food serving table that recognizes what a person is craving and produces it. You'll experience some exciting battles with aliens. You'll be stimulated to think about the power of stories. Would you dare create an evil villain if you thought he might actually come to life?

You can read my review of this first novel in this series, Immortal Writers, here.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Jill Bowers is a technical writer by day and a fantasy author by night. She is one of two composers-in-residence for the Westminster Bell Choir. She has written for and hosted an award winning radio show and has dabbled in stage play writing. She lives in Utah. You can find out more at

Blue Moon Publishers, 266 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this novel from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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