Saturday, September 1, 2018

The Girl on the Tombstone by Betty Ruth Weatherby

Book Synopsis:
Wilhelmina Sukovich is curious and determined to have her own By Line in the Sacramento Bee. Aged out at the Children's Home Society orphanage, she attends night school and works herself up in newspaper hierarchy. Her first big break comes as an assignment takes her to the small mountain town of San Andreas in the Gold Country of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. She searches out her father's grave site only to mysteriously be drawn to the artistry of an ancient tombstone nearby, Eliza Osbourne, 1868. Formidable ranchers and a widow befriend her in her quest to fulfill her assignment for school children and search for Eliza's roots. World War II veteran, Charles, rescues Will from her misadventures. Who is he and why is he such a recluse? Why has he taken it upon himself to see she is safe?

My Review:
The story takes place in 1953 and reflects the post WW II time in San Andreas. It was interesting to learn about the gold mining done in the area decades before and the dangers of the remaining mines. The after effects of WW II are evident in the characters and their behavior as are the effects of polio. The characters are generally well drawn. Weatherby's writing style is not sophisticated and I felt I was reading a novel actually written a generation ago. Additional editing would have helped clear up a few spots. Readers who enjoy a plot woven around a mystery of ancestry and including some suspense and romance will like this novel.

You can purchase the book here.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Author Bio:
Betty Ruth Weatherby holds a BA from California State University, Stanislaus. She earned her teacher's credentials from Chapman University, as well as a cross-cultural language and academic development certificate from Sacramento State University.
She is an active member of Sierra Baptist Church in Pioneer, California, lives with her dog, Buttons, in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, and travels extensively. Visit her on Facebook.

CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 274 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Celebrate Lit. My comments are an independent and honest review. The rest of the copy of this post was provided by Celebrate Lit.

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