Sunday, September 2, 2018

Making God Smile by Kim Henry

We Christians certainly want to please our Lord with our actions and attitudes. We know that the fruit of the Spirit is God's design for us. We know we have the ability to live that way through the power of the Holy Spirit. We also know we need daily encouragement to follow the Holy Spirit's leading.

Henry has provided that daily encouragement. She wanted to live pleasing to God so she focused on the fruit of the Spirit one at a time. She shares her journey in the form of a devotional book. Each daily reading contains a Scripture, a personal story or one from the Bible or a few encouraging paragraphs, and a prayer. Her stories are springboards for spiritual teaching. She concentrates on each fruit for forty days. One would not have to read the book from beginning to end but could rather turn to the particular desired fruit and be immersed in specific encouragement for forty days.

I like this devotional. Her stories and short teachings are helpful in reminding us that we are on a journey to become more Christlike, living out the fruit of the Spirit. Her personal stories give hope. She is still on the journey as are we.

I recommend this devotional to Christians who would like daily encouragement to live out the fruit of the Spirit. You'll find honest reflections from one who is aiming to please God and invites you along on the journey.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Kim Henry has been studying the Bible for more than twenty-five years. For two years she taught a private Bible study on the fruit of the Spirit. She has also served as a Stephen Minister. She has been a regular contributor to Daily Guideposts since 2015. She spent seventeen years as a corporate defense litigation attorney and eight years as vice-president of human resources for two major corporations. She has three grown children and five grandchildren and lives with her husband in Colorado. You can find out more at

Worthy Inspired, 368 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an honest and independent review.

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