Monday, September 3, 2018

Shadows From the Past by Ashley Dawn

Back Cover Copy:
...It is the price you pay for choosing to be a cop. Your brother's life...”
Those words haunt her dreams, and her waking moments. LAPD officer, Aurora Kavvan cannot rest until she finds her brother's killer. Digging into the past always brings back unpleasant things: memories, guilt...the hit man. Now she is in a race against time to find the murderer before he finds her.
Kill her. I don't care how, and I don't care where, but I want her dead now!”
Someone was trying to kill his dead partner's sister. FBI agent, Jordan Reiley will stop at nothing to protect the woman he loves. Even if it means going against her wishes; putting himself between her and the man who murdered her brother.
Will God keep them alive long enough for them to find the truth?

You can order the book here.

My Review:
This is very much a relationship focused novel. There is next to nothing about investigative procedure and very little suspense. The focus of the narrative, by far, is a romantic relationship. A secondary focus is Aurora's lapsed relationship with God.

The major issue in this novel is God's sovereignty and tragedy. Aurora's brother is murdered at the beginning and Aurora has lost her faith in God. She is mad at Him for allowing it to happen. We wonder if she can find her way to trust God again.

Much of the narrative consists of interaction between Aurora and Jordan, her ex-fiance and FBI agent now protecting her. There is some great dialogue between the two as they tease and throw quips. There are also long passages of character introspection.

I recommend this novel to readers who like character and relationship driven plots and are not looking for much suspense or police procedure.

My rating: 4/5 stars. 

Author Bio:
Ashley Dawn was born and raised in rural Arkansas where she developed her love for writing while helping in her parent's office. She graduated with an accounting degree from the University of Central Arkansas but is currently working as a legal assistant.
She has been writing professionally for the past twelce years and has three published books. She is currently working on multiple projects including the fifth in her "Shadow" series as well as a stand alone. She and her family live in Texas. You can find out more at

CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 330 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Celebrate Lit. My comments are an independent and honest review. The rest of the copy of this post was provided by Celebrate Lit.

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