Thursday, November 15, 2018

Godwink Christmas Stories by SQuire Rushnell and Louise DuArt

Rushnell and his wife have been collecting inspiring stories of “coincidences” better understood as events in which God has a part. They call these Godwinks, thinking back to when a parent might give you a wink across the dinner table. It signified recognition and affection. The authors liken these “coincidences” to a wink from God.

This collection of true stories centers on Christmas. Twenty-one of the stories are new while nine have appeared in previous collections. One of the stories is from Rushnell and explains how the whole idea of Godwinks came about. He also includes a reflection after the story to help readers explore how God moves in the lives of people.

These stories are nice, encouraging and rather generic. They would be appreciated by anyone who believes in God. While there is a Christian emphasis in the book, Rushnell does not restrict God's involvement to Christians. He writes in his Introduction, “This book proves that Godwinks happens to everyone. They are universal – crossing every border, every religion ...” (xii)

These touching stories remind us to pay attention to our lives. There are probably many times God has been involved and we have missed seeing it. People who like the kinds of stories in Guideposts will like this collection.

You can read an excerpt here.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Squire Rushnell is a New York Times bestselling author, a former television president and CEO, leading Good Morning America to its #1 spot. He is the author of six titles in the God Winks series and has a monthly “Godwinks on Today,” one of NBC Today show's most-streamed segment.
Louise DuArt is a comedic impressionist. She hosted Living the Life talk show on ABC family for eight seasons. She and her husband, Squire Rushnell, live on Martha's Vineyard. Photograph © Gail Daman

Howard Books, 304 pages.

I received a complimentary review copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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