Saturday, November 17, 2018

Stratagem by Robin Caroll Blog Tour

About the Book

Book: Stratagem
Author: Robin Caroll
Genre: Christian Suspense
Release Date: November, 2018

A High-Stakes Simulation Adventure Leaves Grayson Thibodeaux the Prime Suspect. . .for Murder

Deep in the gritty underbelly of New Orleans, psychologist Grayson Thibodeaux loses everything when his wife leaves him to climb her company’s corporate ladder. He buries himself in his job of creating mind-bending adventure games for businesses as team-building explorations. When his ex-wife’s company hires Grayson’s to create an elaborate game, he doesn’t see how things can get worse. Until she dies during the course of the game he created…making him the prime suspect for murder.

Click here to purchase your copy!

My Review

I enjoyed this mystery. It was a complex plot designed so well that I had no trouble following it. I learned a great deal about corporations hiring companies to provide experiences such as character evaluation and team building. I was amazed at the organization and detail that goes into providing them.

The characters are developed well. Pam was my favorite. I liked her boldness and quick thinking. I had trouble liking Grayson. He had consulted for the police for two years yet now took evidence and mishandled it without informing detectives. I was surprised he was not arrested for evidence tampering. I felt he should have known better.

I do recommend this novel to readers who enjoy an informative mystery. You'll experience characters going through relationship challenges yet evidencing their Christian faith. You'll find a mystery that just might keep you guessing. And you'll have a good bit of suspense near the end.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

About the Author

“I love boxing. I love Hallmark movies. I love fishing. I love scrapbooking. Nope, I’ve never fit into the boxes people have wanted to put me in.” Robin Caroll is definitely a contradiction, but one that beckons you to get to know her better. Robin’s passion has always been to tell stories to entertain others and come alongside them on their faith journey—aspects Robin weaves into each of her twenty-five-plus published novels. When she isn’t writing, Robin spends quality time with her husband of nearly three decades, her three beautiful daughters and two handsome grandsons, and their character-filled pets at home. Robin gives back to the writing community by serving as executive director/conference director for ACFW. Her books have been recognized in such contests as the Carol Award, Holt Medallion, Daphne du Maurier, RT Reviewer’s Choice Award, Bookseller’s Best, and Book of the Year.
You can find out more about Robin by visiting

Guest post from Robin

Behind the Scenes: Robin Caroll Shares Her Inspiration for Writing Stratagem Dear Reader, Thank you for journeying to New Orleans in a web of deceit and confusion with me. Sharing a place that has such connection for me was a pure joy. South Louisiana offers such a laid-back attitude that I often miss “home.” I hope you’ll enjoy sampling a taste of the flavor of Louisiana. Years ago I watched the movie The Game with Michael Douglas and Sean Penn and was enthralled. There’s just something grabbing about messing with a person’s mind and life by using their own feelings and instincts against them. When this story of Stratagem first began forming, I wanted to use all that intrigue to mess up the game master’s life. The end result is quite the ride! As the characters came alive to me, I found the theme of forgiveness and acceptance coming out in the story. Some of the emotions within this story are very personal to me, and I’m honored I was able to share them with you. It is my wish that you may be touched by Grayson’s faith journey as well. Until next time. . . -Robin

Blog Stops

Midnight Bookaholic, November 17
Back Porch Reads, November 18
Rebekah’s Quill, November 18
By The Book, November 19
Genesis 5020, November 19
All-of-a-kind Mom, November 19
Lighthouse Academy, November 20
mpbooks, November 20
Inklings and notions, November 20
D’S QUILTS & BOOKS, November 21
Splashes of Joy, November 21
Moments, November 21
Just the Write Escape, November 22
Mary Hake, November 22
Simple Harvest Reads, November 22 (Guest post from Mindy Houng)
Bigreadersite, November 22
Aryn The Libraryan , November 23
Multifarious, November 23
Bibliophile Reviews, November 24
Remembrancy, November 24
amandainpa, November 24
Margaret Kazmierczak, November 25
Pause for Tales, November 25
Book by Book, November 25
Livin Lit, November 26
Ashley’s Bookshelf, November 26
Baker kella, November 26
Daysong Reflections, November 27
Texas Book-aholic, November 27
Painting with Words, November 28
Maureen’s Musings, November 28
Janices book reviews, November 29
Carpe Diem, November 29
Godly Book Reviews, November 30

I received a complimentary egalley through Celebrate Lit. My comments are an independent and honest review. The rest of the copy of this post was provided by Celebrate Lit.

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