Saturday, November 17, 2018

House of Trump House of Putin by Craig Unger

If there was ever any doubt, this book erases it. It is very well researched, so much so that I found the first part of the book tedious. After the background is established, however, the connections start being made. There are so many that a spider web comes to mind. Sure, there are many “alleged” and “supposed” and “unverified” connections presented. The ones that are verified are more than enough, however. And that the Russian duma celebrated moments after Trump was announced the election winner, shouting, “We won,” that was icing on the cake. Studies have shown that the Russian influence on the election was some 3.2%. That Trump won some states by less than 1%, the Russian influence was enough.

This is a scary book. I highly recommend it for thinking Americans.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

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