Monday, November 5, 2018

Switch On Your Brain Every Day by Dr. Caroline Leaf

I have read a number of Dr. Leaf's books so I jumped at the idea of reading her insights on a daily basis for an entire year. She reminds readers that we need to take the power of the mind very seriously. The Bible says we have the mind of Christ. (1 Cor. 2:16) We must care for our minds and realize the impact of our choices. Dr. Leaf has written this devotional as sort of a guide and platform for incorporating these important truths.

I like the format for each day. There is a Scripture given. Sometimes the same Scripture appears for several days, allowing for a deeper understanding of the meaning of the passage and its impact on our lives. Next is a “Brainy Tip.” I like them as they help us understand the science behind the concept. Then there is a reading to stimulate our thinking. Dr. Leaf encourages us to journal our thoughts each day.

Dr. Leaf comes back to some of the essential concepts, like the power of choice, time after time. I really appreciated the repetition as it helped cement the idea in my understanding. I really liked the idea of journaling. The concepts Dr. Leaf presents are deep and journaling helped me to think about them and contemplate how to incorporate them into my life.

I highly recommend this collection of thought provoking readings for a year. It is not your typical devotional. It contains concepts that are important for using our minds to the glory of God. It really helped me understand correct thinking patterns and how to make them a part of my life. I found it very positive and useful, so much so that I plan to reread it several times.

Food for thought: “Our ability to think, feel, and choose has the power of life and death and will determine the way we live our lives today and in the new creation.” (7)

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Dr. Caroline Leaf is a communication pathologist and cognitive neuroscientist. She is the author of Switch on Your Brain, Think and Eat Yourself Smart, The Perfect You, and Think, Learn, Succeed. She speaks at conferences globally to Christian, medical, corporate, and educational audiences, and is frequently interviewed on TV and radio. Her show, The Dr. Leaf Show, airs weekly on YouTube. Leaf and her husband live with their four children in Dallas and Los Angeles.

Baker Books, 384 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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