Sunday, November 4, 2018

Winning the Battle for Your Mind, Will and Emotions by Robert Hotchkin

I liked most of the teaching in this book. Hotchkin says that we are designed to be in harmony, body, soul and spirit in relationship and agreement with God. Whether that happens depends upon the soul. We choose to follow God's ways or not. It's all about choice.

He introduced a new concept to me in that our born again spirit is perfect. It is always in harmony with God and submitted to the leading of the Holy Spirit. We face the choice of having our body and soul is alignment with our spirit. We much choose what is in alignment with God's Word. That's where the enemy attacks, to get our soul to make choices not agreeing with God's Word.

I like his idea of the “divine setup.” God allows us to experience adversity to point out areas where we are not in line with His will. I like his teaching on the power of the will as well as his chapter on emotions. It is all about choice, such as choosing to have joy in the midst of adversity, just like Paul did while in jail.

I like that Hotchkin has included Battle Keys at the end of each chapter. They are practical ways to apply the truths of the chapter to life.

There is one area in the book with which I had difficulty. I understand the importance of the words we say but I think Hotchkin goes way too far with the concept of the power of human words. He writes, “You are made in the image of the Great I AM, so you should never make an “I am” statement about yourself that you would not make about Him.” (196) Oh, so I should never say that I am human or that I am so many years old? Our words do carry power but I think we need to be reasonable in this area. Certainly there is a difference between the creative words of God and our words.

There is a good deal of helpful teaching in this book. I would just offer a bit of caution when it comes to the teaching on the power of human words.

Food for thought: “Choosing to live in victory is choosing to focus on the Good News, even in the midst of challenging circumstances. “ (213)

You can read an excerpt here.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Robert Hotchkin serves as one of the core leaders of Patricia King Ministries, is the apostolic leader of Men on the Frontlines and hosts the show Heroes Arise. He travels the world ministering in the areas of revelation, prophetic decrees, healings, miracles, and the love of God. He and his wife live in Arizona. You can find out more at and

Chosen, 224 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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