Sunday, December 23, 2018

What a Great Word by Karen Moore

Being in the Word every day is a good thing but we sometimes need a little help. A good devotional is often the help we need. And this is a good one. I really like it.

The format of the devotional is traditional in that it has a Scripture, a devotion, and a prayer. The devotions are more specific than I have seen in other books. Moore will take one word in the passage and develop a good teaching on it. The devotions are not little feel good comments but are rather like short sermons. They encourage readers to be serious about their walk with the Lord, often making a practical suggestion for action that day.

The Scripture passages Moore has chosen are not the typical promises devotional writers love to use. The verse might be a warning like July 10 where Romans 16:16-17 tells us to look out for people who stir up discontent and intentionally provoke people to chose sides. (192) The passage might be a command like the one for March 13, Philippians 4:8 admonishing what we are to think about. (73)

An added feature of this devotional is an index of topics included. If a reader had a particular need in mind, an appropriate topic could be easily found and read.

I highly recommend this devotional. Even if you have read many devotionals you will find this one uses unusual Scripture passages and includes clear and encouraging teaching.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Karen Moore is the bestselling author of more than 100 books. She teaches at writing conferences and is a keynote speaker for conference events and women's groups. She has also worked in the greeting card industry, as a product development specialist, and as a book publisher. She is currently working on screenplays for television and movies. She is married and lives in Richmond Hill, Georgia. (Photo: Lori Hall)

FaithWords, 384 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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