Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Your Future Self Will Thank You by Drew Dyck

I knew self-control was important. I knew I needed more of it. Reading this book helped me understand why it is so important and also gave me the information I needed to strengthen that discipline in my own life.

I also knew self-control was one of the fruit of the Spirit. Here I found out Thomas Aquinas identified it as the foundational virtue. None of the other virtues could be developed without it. (Loc. 95/2515) I realized self-control is more important that I ever thought.

Dyck helped me understand how to develop self-control. I hadn't really thought of it as surrender. He defines self-control as “the ability to do the right thing, even when you don't feel like it.” (Loc. 299/2515) God knows what is right for us so surrender to His guidance and empowerment is essential. I now know self-control cannot be truly developed apart from God. I also found out why having the knowledge is not enough to produce action. I also learned about the importance of habits.

Dyck helped me understand why I have more willpower at certain times of the day (morning). He helped me recognize those situations that deplete willpower and what I can do to build up and replenish it. I also found out that purpose is very important in motivation and what better purpose could there be than loving God and loving others? And self-control gives us thee freedom to do that.

As you are liberated from the tyranny of self, you're able to experience God's best for your life.” (Loc. 307/2515)

I highly recommend this book if you want to understand the importance of self-control and how to develop it. Dyck has done an excellent job of combining insights from the Bible, brain science and his own experiences.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Drew Dyck (M.A. Theology) is an editor at Moody Publishers and the former managing editor of Leadership Journal. His work has been featured in several publications and he is the author of two previous books. He and his wife and their three children live near Portland, Oregon. You can find out more at www.DrewDyck.com.

Moody Publishers, 224 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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