Tuesday, January 8, 2019

5 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom by Dan Willis Blog Tour and Giveaway

About the Book

Title: 5 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom  
Author: Dan Willis  
Genre: Finances/Christian living  
Release date: January 8, 2019  
Publisher: Whitaker House

As a young and naïve pastor, Dan Willis maxed out twenty-three credit cards and ruined his credit to support his ministry. It wasn’t until massive debt caused the cards to stop working that he realized that God never asked him to do this. Through his candor and honesty, Dan reveals the five steps God showed him to get out of debt: stop spending, create a budget, develop a debt payoff plan, begin saving, and repair bad credit. This led him to becoming a thriving and financially-free ministry. Now, Dan is on a mission to teach this to the world. Using biblical principles, but not relying on miracles or “name-it-and-claim-it” theology, Dan provides easy-to-follow, practical steps that can be used by anyone to escape financial bondage. Finally, he encourages readers to use their financial freedom to help others and advance God’s kingdom, and to use their newfound fiscal wisdom to store up wealth. Without shaming those who struggle financially, 5 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom is the perfect combination of spiritual wisdom and practical advice for those who desperately need it.

Click here to purchase your copy!

My Review

The story Willis tells on himself is an encouraging one. He went from incredible debt on credit cards to being debt free. And he has remained debt free for fifteen years. I like that he writes from his own experience. It really encourages us to know that being debt free and financially blessed is possible.

Willis' writing style is not sophisticated. I felt like he was talking to me over a cup of coffee. He doesn't beat around the bush. “If you can't pay for it, you shouldn't get it. It's as simple as that.” (16) He clearly identifies the spiritual problems. “The idols in our lives keep us from having a budget.” (37)

How we spend out money is evidence of our obedience to God and faithfulness to His will for us. This little book is a good one toward understanding the financial principles God gave Willis for getting out of debt and being financially blessed. I recommend it to those who are ready to be finished with financial bondage. It's going to take planning, work and discipline but Willis is a good testimony that it can be done.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

About the Author

As a young boy, Dan Willis’s dreams involved entering the medical field until that fateful day when, at age sixteen, he was called to “temporarily” take over the pastor position of a local church. More than thirty years later, Dan is still there, serving as the senior pastor of The Lighthouse Church of All Nations in Alsip, Illinois. He took the small ministry of sixteen people and nurtured it into a thriving multicultural body of more than 1,500 people. Dan’s previous books with Whitaker House were Freedom to Forget: Releasing the Pain from the Past, Embracing Hope for the Future and Praise Is My Weapon.

Guest Post from Dan

Not 23 Ways to Money Greatness or 67 Options to Financial Well Being. Just Five Simple Steps to Financial Freedom. Why complicate this? Wipe out debt and create wealth.

Blog Stops


To celebrate his tour, Dan is giving away a $20 Starbucks gift card!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Celebrate Lit. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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