Monday, January 7, 2019

Beyond Blessed by Robert Morris

Morris wrote a book over a decade ago on generous living called The Blessed Life. He realized from comments he received from readers that many did not understand the underlying concept of living generously, that one must live within one's means. Hence this book on financial principles.

Morris reminds us we are stewards and not owners of what God has provided for us. He really helps us understand that mindset. I was surprised that the stewardship is not only of external things like money and possessions, but also internal things, like our mind, soul, and body. He also reminds us that our stewardship of our possessions (keeping our car looking nice, our lawn mowed) testifies to others, showing how we care for what God has put in our care.

Other aspects of this book I really appreciated include his teaching on the trap of immediate gratification. He has an excellent section on the buy now pay later philosophy and what contentment really is. He also has good lessons on a poverty mentality as well as the mindset of materialism and how they are deceptive.

Morris does not provide detailed instructions on actions, such as making a budget. He notes that there are many online resources to create a budget. His purpose here is to inspire people to get started living within their means and commit to a disciplined lifestyle.

I recommend this book to Christians who want to understand the principles behind good stewardship of finances that leads to the blessed life of living generously. Gratitude is an important one, for example. Even though Morris does write about finances, this book concentrates on the biblical principles behind our wise stewardship of what God has put in our care.

You can find out more and watch the book trailer here.

Food for thought: “Decide today to start living within your means.” (3081/3629)

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Robert Morris is the founding senior pastor of Gateway Church, a multicampus church in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. He is featured on the daily television program The Blessed Life and hosts Worship & the Word on radio stations across America. He serves as chairman of the board of The King's University and is the best-selling author of fourteen books.

FaithWords, 272 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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