Friday, March 8, 2019

Breaking the Power of Negative Words by Mary Busha

Words can hurt, regardless of that childhood saying. And the hurt can last a life time. This is a good book for anyone who has been hurt by words or has hurt others by words.

Busha has included a great deal of good teaching. She addresses words said to us, words we say to others, and words we say to ourselves. She illustrates her teaching with many stories as examples.

There are many aspects of this book I like. I like her epiphany, realizing that hurtful words said to her revealed much more about what was going on in the heart of the speaker than herself. I like how Busha helps us understand what God says about us, that He loves us. She also reveals how we must battle to be in the Word and replace negative words with God's truth. She writes about being offended and that it is up to us how we respond.

This is a good book about the power of words, both for hurt and for blessing. Readers who want help in forgiving and moving on will find good teaching. Readers who need to be reminded how important our words are to others will find that here too. Readers who are looking for general knowledge about words and communication will gain insights as well. Busha's writing style is pleasant and this would make a good book to be studied in a group of trusted friends.

My rating: 4/5.

Mary C. Busha is a writer's coach, an editor, and a writer whose work has appeared in various periodicals. She has worked for decades to help writers all around the country bring their work to bookshelves all over the world. She currently lives in Florida. Photo Credit: Frank N. Hornyak Photography

Revell, 224 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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