Saturday, March 9, 2019

The Coffee Club Mysteries

I enjoyed this collection of novellas. I liked that it centered around a group of women who appeared in each of the mysteries. The main character was different in each story but the supporting characters were consistent and gave a good sense of cohesiveness to the collection. As is often the case with a collection of authors, the quality of the writing varied. None of them was bad, however, and I was pleasantly surprised at that. The plots range from a murder to stolen money but they all involve some kind of mystery. The lengths of the novellas are different too, succeeding ones getting shorter, it seemed.

The setting of the stories is a small town. The women involved are good friends and come to the rescue when needed. Their investigations were out of the ordinary, much to the dismay of the local sherrif. The ages of the women involved are on the older side but there are young characters too so women of all ages would enjoy this collection. The women meet at a coffee shop and there is lots of talk of food. In fact, there is even a recipe for fruitcake included.

Readers who like women amateur sleuths will enjoy this collection. It's a good way to be introduced to new authors too.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Authors: Darlene Franklin, Cynthia Hickey, Elizabeth Ludwig, Dana Mentink, Candice Prentice, Janice Thompson.

Barbour, 448 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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