Saturday, April 13, 2019

Beauty in Battle by Robin Patchen

This is a good conclusion to the series. I was left hanging at the end of the previous novel so I was eager to read this one. It has the most action and moves quickly. It also shows great character development of Harper as she finally trusts God for her future, even when it appears unsure.

There were just a couple of issues I had with how things wrapped up. I am not sure the ending explained why the dead bodies appeared, disappeared, then appeared somewhere else, considering who the real killer turned out to be. And Red was so very lucid at the end when he had not been so many times before.

Other than those issues, this has been a rewarding series to read. I really enjoyed the themes of forgiveness, trust, reconciliation and love.

Check out my reviews of the earlier books in the series, Beauty in Flight and Beauty in Hiding.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Robin Patchen writes Christian suspense, romance and romantic suspense. She lives in Oklahoma. You can find out more at

JDO Publishing, 137 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Celebrate Lit. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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