Sunday, April 14, 2019

The Next Right Thing by Emily Freeman

This book is unlike any other I have read on making decisions. It is more about why we decide and who we are when we decide rather than the decision making process itself. Rather than a technique, Freeman helps us know ourselves, finding what we really want, and establishing soul clarity before deciding.

Her concept is that decision making is part of our spiritual formation experience. She writes about being a soul minimalist, helping us get rid of soul clutter. We are reminded of the importance of stillness, a key to decision making. She helps us stay in the present. She asks us to evaluate who we listen to. She has a great teaching on critics.

You'll not find a practical technique in this book for making decisions. You will find encouragement to uncover who you really are, to determine when you feel most yourself, when you feel most peaceful, and more. Freeman provides an exercise at the end of each chapter to help you in those pursuits.

This is a very readable book. Freeman's writing style is personable. She tells lots of stories on herself to illustrate her teaching. It is a good book for people who want to understand who they are in relation to the decisions they make.

You can find out more about the book and watch the book trailer at

My rating: 4/5 stars

Emily Freeman is The Wall Street Journal bestselling author of Simply Tuesday and A Million Little Ways. As host of The Next Right Thing podcast, she helps create space for the soul to breathe, offering fresh perspective on the sacredness of our inner life with God. Emily and her husband live in North Carolina with their three children. You can listen to her podcasts at

Revell, 256 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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