Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Love and Other Mistakes by Jessica Kate Blog Tour

About the Book

Book: Love and Other Mistakes  
Author: Jessica Kate  
Genre: Romantic Comedy  
Release date: July 31, 2019  

There’s a fine line between love and hate . . . And for the last seven years, Natalie Groves has hated Jeremy Walters.

Natalie Groves was meant for great things. But soon after her fiancé left, Natalie’s father was diagnosed with cancer. Suddenly her grand plans evaporated . . . and God felt very far away. Fast-forward seven years, and an internship presents Natalie a chance at her destiny—but she needs a job to work around it. And the only offer available is worse than a life sentence. Her ex Jeremy, now back in town, is desperate for help with his infant son and troubled teenage niece, Lili. And Natalie may be just the one to help Jeremy . . . provided they don’t kill each other in the process. When Jeremy and Natalie join forces, sparks fly. But will either of them get burned along the way?

Get your copy here!

My Review

This book is described as romantic comedy. There is some good humor from time to time but the majority of the book deals with some very heavy issues. There are several dysfunctional people and relationships in it. I think it would be a hard novel for a reader who had a childhood where the parents argued a great deal and you hoped your good behavior would fix the situation. Issues of infidelity and pregnancy outside of marriage are also prominent in this book. The novel is not escape literature by any means as there is almost constant stress on at least one of the main characters.

Kate includes several subtle lessons in the plot such as dealing with difficult or hurtful situations. There is also a very good explanation of the gospel message in the book. While the romance aspect of the novel resolves nicely, I felt there were some issues from the dysfunctional people and relationships left hanging. Kate's writing style is good. I just found the subject matter too intense for my “romantic comedy” taste.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

About the Author

Australian author Jessica Kate writes inspirational romances with wit, sass, and grit. Jessica is a screenwriting groupie, cohost of the StoryNerds vlog and podcasts, and her favorite place to be—apart from Mum and Dad’s back deck—is a theme park. She has traveled North America and Australia, and samples her favorite pasta wherever she goes—but the best (so far) is still the place around the corner from her corporate day job as a training developer. She loves watching sitcoms with her housemates and being a leader in a new church plant. Jessica Kate brings rom-com fans a reminder that love has its own timing in her breakout novel, Love and Other Mistakes. Kate is best known in the book world as the cohost of StoryNerds, a vlog and podcast about all things books and pop culture, recorded from her home city of Toowoomba, Australia. Now, she’s carving her own place in the Christian fiction arena and helping to fill the rom-com genre gap with a novel full wit, sass, and grit.

More from Jessica

A romance that makes me laugh and snort my strawberry milkshake across the keyboard when I sneak in chapter at work – that’s just the best. My loftiest career aspiration is to create that experience for someone else. There can never be enough of those books in the universe, especially novels that include deep faith and emotion, as well. I adore love-hate romantic comedies like The Hating Game by Sally Thorne, and I spend my days dreaming up plotlines that force characters who hate each other to work together as a team. But, Natalie’s journey came from a real place for me—that feeling you’re missing out on your purpose and you don’t know how to fix it. Read an excerpt at

Blog Stops

Among the Reads, July 31
Wishful Endings, August 1
Emily Yager, August 2
CarpeDiem, August 3
Livin’ Lit, August 4
Genesis 5020, August 5
Pause for Tales, August 6
Back Porch Reads, August 7
Hallie Reads, August 8
Remembrancy, August 10
Texas Book-aholic, August 11
A Reader’s Brain, August 12
janicesbookreviews, August 13

I recevied a complimentary egalley of this book through Celebrate Lit. My comments are an independent review. The rest of the copy of this post was provided by Celebrate Lit.


  1. This sounds like a great read.

  2. Thanks for reviewing!!! Look forward to taking you to Australia in A Girl's Guide to the Outback!

  3. Sure would enjoy reading this to see if this couple can get along and his niece and son get the help they need. Vivian Furbay jtandviv (at) q (dot) com

  4. Thisnsure sounds like an interesting debut novel. Jessical Kate sounds delightful on a Facebook live that I was able to view.
    Perrianne Askew
