Monday, July 29, 2019

The Jesus Who Surprises by Dee Brestin

I am impressed with this study. Brestin's premise is that Jesus is alive and acting today but we often don't recognize Him. Our problem may be that we are not looking for Him in unusual places. Brestin has written this study to help us see Jesus in the most unexpected of places, namely the Old Testament.

I think Brestin has done an excellent job of exploring an Old Testament section and then relating it to Jesus and gospel truth in really powerful ways. I've been studying the Bible for over five decades yet found new insights in this book. A good example is her encouragement to speak to our soul rather than listening to it. (P. 133) I like the stories Brestin tells to illustrate her lessons. She tells many of her own, some very touching.

I like the Bible study Brestin has included at the end of each chapter. There are questions to answer and videos one can watch. The work after each chapter is divided into five days so this study would be a great one for those who like material to work on between group meetings. I like that it is all in one book, the teaching and the questions. It means this study could be done individually too.

I highly recommend this study.

You can watch the book trailer here.
You can read the first chapter here.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

Dee Brestin is the best-selling author of many books and Bible studies. She hosts a popular weekly Bible study on her website at Dee Brestin Ministries and is actively involved in prison ministries. She is a frequent guest on Moody Radio and Focus on the Family and speaks regularly at women's conferences. She has five grown children and lives in Wisconsin. You can find out more at .

Multnomah, 256 pages.

I received a complimentary ARC of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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