Sunday, July 28, 2019

Those People by Louise Candlish

This was an interesting novel about community and how one can be disrupted by a new couple moving in. Candlish does a good job of describing the unrest the people on the street experience when a couple move in that are obviously unlike those already living there. There are lots of characters in this book and I suggest drawing a little map of the street with the house occupants and a little about them. Had I done that I might not have felt confused at times, not remembering which character said what to whom and why.

Reading the publisher's synopsis and promotion material, I thought this would be more in the mystery and thriller genre. It is not. There is not much mystery and really no suspense. An aspect of the novel I did find particularly interesting was the frustration existing dwellers felt when the police and other authorities did not respond to their complaints about the disruptive neighbors.

Readers who like an exploration of character reactions when life is not what it has been may like this book.

My rating: 3/5 stars.

Louise Candlish is the author of the bestseller, Our House. It won the British Book Awards 2019 Book of the Year: Crime and Thriller. She lives with her husband and daughter in South London.

Berkley, 368 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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