Saturday, August 24, 2019

Adventures in Poverty by Nancy Bolton Blog Tour

About the Book

Book: Adventures in Poverty
Author: Nancy Bolton
Genre: Memoir
Release Date: July 30, 2019

Faced with eviction, living on union strike pay, our time for making a decision was running out. Where could we go to live with our five small sons? We had few options. The scariest possibility was also the one that fit best with our tiny income. But could we really make such a difficult move? To transport our family, and our mobile home onto a five-acre parcel of rural, undeveloped land? No electricity, no running water, with winter fast approaching. It sounded a little crazy…….  

Click here to grab your copy.

My Review

Bolton has written a good memoir of her recent pioneer homesteading experience. After a change in her husband's work circumstances, the family moved their mobile home to their undeveloped land. Imagine maintaining a family with five boys without running water or electricity. Bolton has written a well crafted and very interesting memoir. She shares her experiences of learning to live frugally, being humbled by the generosity of others, trying to be patient during setbacks, having a do-it-yourself attitude, to name just a few.

Bolton's writing style is good. Her stories are fun to read and include good insights. The memoir is full of life examples reminding us of what is really important in life. One lesson that came through very clearly was having an appreciation for the simple things in life. This a good book for readers who need encouragement when going through a tough financial time in life. You'll laugh at times and also be encouraged.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

About the Author

Nancy Shew Bolton is a wife, mother, grandmother, jewelry maker, crochet crafter, and of course: a writer! She lives in upstate New York in a lovely scenic region known as The Fingerlakes. Widowed last year, she is comforted by her five sons, two grandchildren and a marvelous array of family and other loved ones. She loves the creative process, and puts her whole focus into the stories she writes. May you be entertained and uplifted by them!

More from Nancy

Sometimes life hands out an unexpected challenge, and the direction you mapped out for your family comes up against a big roadblock. And there you are, trying to navigate back to a path that makes sense. One that would be as close to the previous path as you can get. But our only options led us in directions far away from what we were used to. Faced with eviction, living on union strike pay, our time for making a decision was running out. Where could we go to live with our five small sons? We had few options. The scariest possibility was also the one that fit best with our tiny income. But could we really make such a difficult move? To transport our family, and our mobile home onto a five-acre parcel of rural, undeveloped land? No electricity, no running water, with winter fast approaching. It sounded a little crazy…….

Blog Stops

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Celebrate Lit. My comments are an independent and honest review. The rest of the copy of this post was provided by Celebrate Lit.


  1. This sounds like a very interesting and wonderful read.

  2. Thank you for sharing your review and the book and author info. This sounds like a good read.

  3. This was a good book! I quite enjoyed it.

  4. Your book sounds like a great read and thank you for sharing it with us.

  5. Wonderful review! Thank you for being part of the tour.

  6. I am reading this book now and she truly does make you thankful for what you have!
