Sunday, August 25, 2019

Kingdom Come by Melissa Zaldivar

This is a good book for millennials or young adults wondering about Christianity and what it means. It is also good for young Christians wondering about their life and faith. Zaldivar writes of her own experiences and struggles with the meaning of faith and the reality of the Kingdom of God and His presence. She shares the lessons she has learned so far in her three decades of life.

She encourages us to train our eyes to see the Kingdom of God. It is often right before us but we have no idea what we are looking for. Her chapter on the presence of God was well written and is good for readers who have been disappointed in God, feeling He was absent during a painful time. I appreciate Zaldivar's encouragement to trust God even when we do not understand the mystery of His actions.

This book is good for millennials because it deals with the kind of faith relationships and struggles they experience. Zaldivar is much more relational in her faith than my baby boomer generation was. She shares many stories from her decade of counseling sessions, for example. Counseling is something my generation would not have even admitted to experiencing.

This book is also good for older readers to understand the faith life of younger Christians. Zaldivar writes she is of a “generation that was told that adventure and hype were the only way to do your faith.” (1865/2208) Reading this book helped me, a senior citizen, understand much better how young people are exercising their faith today.

Food for thought: “Everything in this life boils down to Kingdom and Presence.” (208/2208)

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Melissa Zaldivar has a master's degree in theology from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. She is a freelance writer and blogs at . She lives in Wenham, MA.

FaithWords, 224 pages.

I received a complimentary uncorrected egalley of this book from the publisher. Quotes I have given may have been changed in the final edition of the book. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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