Sunday, May 22, 2022

Falling Apart, Falling For You by Chris Posti

I liked this “coming of age” novel about older women. Three women nearing sixty years of life will be reunited for the first time after leaving high school forty years before. While they were close friends their senior year, much life has happened since. What will their reunion be like? Will they still be friends or will past hurts and mistakes cause barriers? How will they relate their life failures and successes?

The women each have issues needing to be addressed. Suzanne has just lost her job yet may have just found the man for her. Rachel's husband has just died and she must make decisions about her future. Marla has just sold her business for millions but happiness eludes her because of her past actions.

Posti has provided us with a good novel exploring three very different women and how they face potential changes in life. One is controlling. Another holds grudges. They grow through these and other issues as they interact with each other. Part of their transformations come through helping the small town of their youth escape decline and death. Another part of the transformations is the women finding their spiritual basis for well being in their faith.

Posti has a good writing style. I found the story engaging. There is a good deal of exploring personalities and how they interact. We see the importance of forgiveness and of letting go of the past in order to venture toward the future. There is some humor and some welcome surprises. Conservative readers may be surprised at the amount of alcohol drunk by these women and their friends but other than that, a fine novel for older women. It is a good debut effort.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Chris Posti, born and raised in the Pittsburgh area, has moved more than a dozen times. She spent thirty years as a job search expert, executive coach, human resources consultant, newspaper columnist and public speak before trading in her high heals and leather briefcase to fulfill her dream of being a women's fiction author. You can find out more at ttps://

Elk Lake Publishing, 346 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)

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