Tuesday, May 24, 2022

When the Day Comes by Gabrielle Meyer

This novel is an interesting change from the usual time travel plot. Here, certain people live in two periods, changing over from one time to another while sleeping. Libby, the heroine, lives in 1774 Williamsburg and 1914 New York City. This will continue until she turns twenty-one when she can choose the time in which to continue living.

We get a good sense of the per-revolutionary atmosphere in the colonies through Libby's life in 1774. Libby and her mother are keeping a print shop going after Libby's father died and we see the turmoil caused by printing material opposing the king. We also see the sacrifices people are willing to make for freedom as a war seems immanent.

There is a direct contrast with Libby's 1914 life. Libby's mother wants to see Libby marry for influence, preferably a titled man in England. What a contrast in time periods, wanting to be free of England in one period while wanting influential ties to that country in another. There is also the contrast of another impending war in a different situation.

Writing a time travel novel, in this case called time crossing, is a difficult task. Meyer does a good job addressing the issue of changing history and God's sovereignty in the matter. Libby found out, “Only God is in control of our destiny.” (303) I did feel Meyer was vague on why God would have some people experience this dual time. I appreciated the surprising twist at the end, wrapping up well a quite puzzling situation.

This is a good novel for readers who like exploring two interesting time periods in America's history in the context of the difficult choices Libby had to make in both situations. There is a bit of romance too. Meyer provides information on historical fact and fiction at a note at the end. All in all, an entertaining and informative novel.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Gabrielle Meyer (www.gabriellemeyer.com) has worked for state and local historical societies and loves writing fiction inspired by real people, places, and events. She currently resides along the banks of the Mississippi River in central Minnesota with her husband and four children. By day, she's a busy homeschool mom, and by night she pens fiction and nonfiction filled with hope.

Bethany House, 384 pages. 

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)

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