Friday, March 24, 2023

A Heart on Fire by by Glen Berteau Book Review

About the Book:

You are alive right now for a reason--your purpose predestined for such a time as this.

As the world slips deeper into darkness, most Christians feel stuck, powerless to effect change. Yet changing the world--your world--starts with you, right where you are, with a heart full of fire for Jesus. 

Grounded in biblical teaching and drawing from his own renewal experiences, pastor and revivalist Glen Berteau emboldens you to get fed up with the ineffectual status quo, showing you how to

· ignite the supernatural power God has placed in you
· be filled up with the Holy Spirit
· get fired up for what God can do through you
· see beyond your current circumstance
· and live a faith without limits

You're a Kingdom weapon, energized by God's mighty power and forged to stand strong for what you believe, tear down strongholds, eradicate hatred and bring dead things to life. You are chosen to change the world.

You can read an excerpt here.

My Review:

Having been revived from a deadly heart attack, Berteau knows it is a miracle for him to be alive. He has a deep relationship with God and lives a revival lifestyle. He is on fire and he wants believers to be set on fire for revival too.

This book is full of encouragement, reminding readers they are the light of the world and have been chosen to change the world. While Berteau wants believers to be fed up with what is going on in the world, they are not to run from sinful people. Jesus went after the lost sheep and so should believers. Having a revival lifestyle will mean having your heart open to being healed through giving and receiving forgiveness.

Berteau's writing style is powerful. He gives many personal stories. He is realistic as some do not end well. Some people reject salvation. He is also honest about the condition of the Christian community. The world is a mess, he says, and the Church is not doing any better.

Berteau emphasizes needing the power of the Holy Spirit. He distinguishes being born in the Spirit and being baptized in the Spirit so this is a good book for charismatic Christians. He is firm on believing to receive but I felt he skirted the prosperity teaching sufficiently.

Berteau believes the world needs revival. He also believes revival will not happen outside until it happens inside. He explores the aspects of the believer's life that will produce such a lifestyle of personal revival. This is a good book to read to have one's heart set on fire.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

About the Author:

Glen Berteau ( is an evangelist, teacher and author and the founding pastor of The House. He holds three master's degrees in pastoral ministry, theology and ministerial leadership and has traveled the world sharing the Gospel. Glen and his wife, Deborah, live in Texas.

Chosen Books, 208 pages.

I received the opportunity to review this book from the publisher. While I never received a copy from the publisher, I was able to borrow the book from my local library for this review. My comments are an independent and honest review.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)

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